Friday, December 26, 2008

i love this 2 horny peoples!

i was video calling with darin&jazi.
2 of my darlings <33
theey were like really horny for some reasons! :/
but so what i love them for who they are.
i miss them(darin&jazi)
seriously. :(
im looking forward to see them soon!

to my 2 darlings.
i love you guys alot!
never wna loose any of you.

aaaaaalways ma lave!
you guys wont be replaced.
darin your always my daringdingdong right?
jazi your always my gay ass right?:D
laave you guys ALOT.always my number 1's!

and im missing wai :(,wai im looking forward you to get back! and chat with me.

and besides that,i was chatting with shan&ikah.
thanks for being beside me along when im not in the mood.
loveyouboth as well! <3

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